by Toby Heaney | Dec 13, 2023 | Blog, Predatory Claims Act
I’m pleased to inform you that our ongoing efforts to address the issue of predatory practices targeting veterans have gained significant attention. A Times West Virginian article sheds light on the plight of veterans who fall victim to unscrupulous individuals,...
by Toby Heaney | Dec 1, 2023 | Blog, Predatory Claims Act
This bill, introduced in the West Virginia Senate, targets protecting veterans seeking assistance with their benefits. It aims to prevent individuals or organizations from charging veterans for help unless permitted by federal law. Need for the Bill: Potential for...
by Toby Heaney | Mar 1, 2023 | Research
Abstract This study employs a predictive lead regression model to optimize the selection of Google Trends search outcomes, enhancing the accuracy of Unemployment predictions at the state level. The investigation centers on evaluating the correlation between Google...
by Toby Heaney | Dec 15, 2022 | Research
Abstract In this paper we use a simple Differences in Differences method to compare Veterans Administration (VA) hospital outpatient usage between the Appalachian Region and the rest of the United States. This will be done using data before the community care started...
by Toby Heaney | Dec 1, 2022 | Research
Abstract In this paper, we hope to track the migration trends of veterans from year to year. We are tracking the movements among the various metro areas as defined by the American Community Survey. We end up showing that while specific cohorts are moving from more...